Info for Parents
Baildon Village Preschool has been providing high quality and affordable childcare for all children of age two to four for over 40 years. We want your child to enjoy their time at preschool and so encourage you to share any worries or concerns with us.

Good Partnership
We engage in a good partnership with parents to create the best opportunities to meet all the individual needs of each child this helps your child to:
Observing things, watching faces, responding to voices, listening making sounds and singing.
We provide lots of resources both indoor and outdoor for children to explore, either child-led or adult-led.
Encouragement and praise are used all the time to help children value themselves and help establish a solid foundation for later learning.
Enrollment Process
If you would like to enrol your child please contact us:

Characteristics of learning:
Thinking Critically
Early Years
Foundation Stage

Listening, Attention and Understanding.
Reading, engaging in stories, non-fiction, rhymes, poems, conversation, storytelling, staff model and elaborate to promote a language-rich environment.

Managing self.
Building Relationships.
Help children understand their own feelings, manage emotions, develop a sense of self-confidence in their abilities, set simple goals, look after their bodies, support children to form good friendships resolve conflicts.

Gross Motor Skills.
Fine Motor Skills.
Help pursue happy healthy active life, develop core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, coordination and agility, hand-eye coordination, small world activities, puzzles, arts and crafts.

Word reading.
Encouraging a love for reading through books, rhymes, and songs.

Numerical Patterns.
Count confidently, understand numbers 1-10 explore patterns, shapes, and space and measure.

The Natural World.
People, Culture and Communities.
Past and Present.
Looking at our community and the world around us visiting parks, libraries, people who work in the community, culture and experiencing a variety of festivals.

& Design
Being Imaginative and Expressive.
Creating with Materials.
Promote imagination and creativity using a variety of tools, materials and media.

Daily Schedule
- The arrival of children: self-registration, welcome staff on the door, hanging up coats/bags, washing hands. Free choice play consists of messy activities, water, sand, music, mark making, construction, story corner, home corner, and computer.
- Meals and Snacks: Water and Milk plus various snacks.
- Singing Time: children's choice and nursery rhyme spoons.
- Outdoor play: bikes, water, mud kitchen, exploring nature, balls, mark making, balancing.
- Storytime: Theme related stories.
- Large physical play: Parachute, music and movement, exercise, soft play ,balancing and action songs.
- Big learners look at number, letter, rhyme, colour, shapes of the week and weather.
- Little learners look at numbers, shapes, colours, and nursery rhymes and the weather.
- Sticker time: Wow moments encouraging personal developments.
- Lunchtime / Home Time: Packed lunch to be provided from home.

Health and Safety
See policies on health and safety